Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Last day in Japan

I'm at work on my last day. I fly out at 3pm on Thursday and arrive at 9am on Thursday. Isn't it fun how that works out? I'll be moving in all day getting my stuff from storage and unpacking. Give me a call if you're on campus, I dunno how busy I'll be but you never know.

I'm really going to miss Japan. Though it's been almost 5 months, when I was hanging out with my co-workers after work and with some of the college students I've gotten to know pretty well, I was kinda sad that I may not see them again.

Things I'll miss about Japan:
-Sushi and chopsticks
-Riding the trains
-Being able to do whatever I want outside of work
-The bright lights of the city at night, Las Vegas-esuque but somehow different
-Toilets with a seat warmer/butt spray (don't knock it till you try it!)
-Staying out all night at clubs since there are no trains
-Being able to watch anime on TV like Naruto without waiting for subtitles
-Pretending my life is a Japanese Drama
-Nomihodi (all you can drink bars)

Things I won't miss
-Not being able to read the menus
-Getting on a train going the opposite direction
-Living by myself
-Japanese keyboards
-Fruit that costs an arm and a leg
-"Low-fat" milk
-The absence of ethnic diversity

I'm sure over the next few weeks I'll think of more stuff as I go through a stage of Japanese withdrawl. So when I keep talking about Japan in future posts, bear with me, please. It's been a heck of a ride, and I definitely am coming back. Let me know if you want to go with me ;).

1 comment:

BDC said...

I hear ya. Man I can't believe I'll be back so soon. I was just going through my pictures and realized that even though there are some things I really didn't like about Japan, I'm definitely going to go through a withdrawal period. When/how are you going to come back?