The entrance, marked by the first of 3872453217637411 torii we will see.

One of the shrine's main buildings.

From the front.

We all wash our hands first to purify ourselves.

A statue of a kitsune (fox) a common form of the Inari god.

A different statue.

Erin and Ji pose underneath all the torii.

They come in all sizes!

If you put money in that box on the left and then walk around this sacred tree three times, you're supposed to have good health - or something.

Had enough yet?

Didn't think so.

It was getting a bit hot climbing up hundreds of stairs to reach the 3 different peaks, so Adam and I decided to keep "cool". Ok, sorry that was bad.

At one of the peaks.

Pat and me.

Purple is cool.

We all listen intently to our religion teacher.

I am amazed at the sight of such a unique torii!

What will happen if I drink the sacred water?

Resting from the hike.

Mmmmm, stone frogs.

More fun statues.

Who wants to have a tea party on the mountain?

Haha, I took a picture of myself in the mirror.
The rest of the pics can be seen here.
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